We went to the Kymbeke brand today for church. It was delightful because the roads were not crowded as things slow down on Sunday. We also say Giraffes today; five of them. I was so excited. I have been waiting and watching to see them. No Zebra’s but more ostriches’ and a dead Hyena on the road.
Church was wonderful wonderful! They teach differently and some of them speak in Swahili and others speak in Koumba. Sometimes they have to translate the message. The children sing their hearts out in primary. The people are so shy and they giggle and duck their heads, even the adults. They smile and shake your hands. I have some pictures of the children. They just love to see themselves and crowd all around you to get a look. You will see in the pictures of the boys doing hand-stands and everyone laughing. It was so fun.
No microphones and we can’t really hear the speakers and we were on the front row. Anyway it was wonderful. I just can’t tell what strong testimonies they have. I am going to teach a class on key-board and leading the music. Some young girls asked me if I was going to. So we will get the piano keyboards checked out from the mission office. Dad will teach some English classes to them.
We are now home and the electricity is out again. I was making cookies for the sister missionaries but now I guess they will have to wait. We were told that this would be happening more often as the rivers in the North are low on water and they run the electricity plants. Tomorrow Condsalota comes to clean and we don’t have to go to the hills. It is like our P day.
This is the writing of a little one who sat buy me in Relief Society I guess he didn't want to go to primary. I handed him a pen and paper and he just beamed and then all the other member just stared and watched him. They don't have pencils or pens. I asked him his name and he wrote it down. You can see it there.
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