Working with the missionaries, we have planned a day to share “ Becoming a Happy and Strong Family” We have asked members to bring someone with them next week and share in a day. We are showing a DVD that was prepared in South Africa by African people. It is beautiful and speaks to all faiths. We will serve refreshments and hope to have a big crowd. We want the villages and communities to know that the Church believes in the family. So will see how it turns out next week.
Friday 17th
was our visiting day in Ilima. We went to Virginia and Wycliffs home and they fed us kithirri. I’m sure I spelled that wrong but it is red beans and dried corn boiled together. It was good but they gave us too much. They do get offended if you don’t eat it all. Bruce hates beans so it was especially hard for him to get it all down but he did it. We also stopped at Peter’s home for a quick visit. On the way out of the Kyambeke market a return missionary Onesmus asked for a ride. A women standing nearby then also asked if she could have a ride. As we left the village, Onesmus started to give her the first discussion he asked Bruce for the Restoration pamphlet. She agreed to attend church with him this Sunday. Many of the members are strong missionaries.
February 18th
We were to have baptisms today but there is no water to fill the font. We are between rainy seasons and it is so dry out in the bush. This is the time where they are digging deep down into the river beds to get any water to use in their house-huts. I will have to say that because of lack of water the people smell very strongly. It is also a time when they are working in the dry shambas and the mosquitoes are very bad. Many are getting malaria and have to go to the dispensary for medication. Because the Baptisms were canceled we were able to go with the Olsen’s and Pugmire’s to the Karen Blixem Museum and Plantation (Out of Africa). We also visited the Elephant Orphanage, although we had been before, it was fun to see others enjoy it. The baby elephants put on quite a show in the mud bath.
O I love love these pictures. I love the little old ladies they have so much character. I love that Dad ate all the beans. It sounds like you have some really good things going on; you guys look great!
I am so impressed that dad ate beans. I could not have done it. I really make a terrible face when I eat beans. I will bring him a candy bar as a treat for every plate of beans he eats between now and June 1. Start keeping tract.
I am so impressed with how hard the women work.
Sorry I missed you Friday. I will try to check in again Friday evening (your time). Love you!
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