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Friday, September 14, 2012

September 9th 2012

This week in family class we have been talking about prayer and kneeling for family prayers, it took me back when I realized that these families kneel in the dirt.  How blessed we are.  Sometimes I feel so selfish and ungrateful.  This week is transfer week so we brought in two missionaries and Thursday we will deliver two new ones.  In the Hills the missionaries get a workout with all the climbing and walking, they lose weight and get strong legs.  Kilungu Hills is one place they all want to serve.  They love it but are excited for a new experience after 6 months.  We sure love and appreciate them. 
 children gathering water
 these are hard working cows in Kenya
 gathering of awesome missionaries
Moms shaving their kids heads

1 comment:

Fox said...

"why they not brandin that cows" -Josie